Cameroon’s First Lady Chantal Biya or commonly called by many Cameroonians as Chantou or Mama Biya was looking very fashionable yesterday on Voting Day as she and her husband who is running for the 7th term aftrer ruling since 1982, went to Bastos to cast their votes. The First Lady wore a beautiful yellow long skirt suit and her hait was not as big as it is popularly seen. She actually looked very classy with her mathcing yellow designer bag. Chantou who is usually very flamboyant with her style dressed accordingly and was all smiles on Voting Day. This is why we think she was happy and dressed her best for this:
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- Chantou was very well dressed for voting as she might already know that her husband might win and run another term at Unity Palace. So knowing that, of course any First Lady would be happy at a chance of being treated like a queen for another few years again.
PHOTO: President Paul Biya, voting for himself at the 2018 Presidential elections. - Another way to look at it is that maybe she sensed that this could be the end for their ruling reign and wanted to go out in style. Since the final and official results will not be announced for a few weeks or so, we might not see her in public again until then so maybe she knows this and wants these photo’s of her voting to be the last photo’s people will see of her.
PHOTO: President Paul Biya, voting for himself at the 2018 Presidential elections. - Maybe, just maybe reagrdless of whatever the outcome of yesterdays election turnsout to be, Mama Biya might just be happy to have been the First Lady for over 25 years and her happiness could be the realization that this might be the end of the road for them and now they can actually enjoy LIFE as in life outside of the Presidency. Look a future without the stress of carrying an entire country (that is clearly very unstable and divided) on your shoulder is not our idea of fun. So if given the chance to just go and live ones life and enjoy it with all the money they have, why not go for it? Why want to rule and be stressed 24/7 for the next 7 years? That’s not our idea of living.
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