So yesterday (February 8th), Cameroonian rapper Stanley released his #PrayForMe video on his birthday. Of course The HotJem gave Stanley a birthday shoutout via our Instagram Page like many other of his fans did! #PrayForMe is a song he did in memory of his late sister – Sylvie Enow who passed away back in 2014. It’s on this trendy Trap sound with Stanley’s signature around it, which he uses to request for intercession from above.
Despite the heavy promo on the song prior to the release of the video (which premiered first on MTV Base with the hashtag #FirstOnBase), the video has only reached a disappointing 5K views on YouTube within 24 hours. On average, Stanley videos typically have approximately 15+ views within 24 hour so seeing that its only at 5K is quite disturbing! See a snapshot we took to show the number of views he has as of now (Feb 8th).

Meanwhile, on February 5th, Mr. Leo – a Cameroonian singer/songwriter, released his video called Je T’aime and has already had 102K views in 4 days averaging 25K views a day! Now thats pretty amazing!! But then again Mr. Leo has had a couple of video’s that have had over 1 Million within 6 months of its release like his Jamais-Jamais video which was released on October 2nd on YouTube and now has pver 1.4 million views already in 4 months as seen below!! Can you beat that?!!! As it stands now, he is the undisputed champion for views!

So the question of the day is will Stanley Enows Pray For Me video have 100K+ views by February 12th? YES? NO? Let’s just say if you are reading this and are a fan of Stanley then you better be clicking on his video below to add those YouTube views! 🙂
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