Ex-Nigerian beauty Queen – Sandra Petgraves and her husband George Chukwukwa have recently been arrested with her husband for mortgage fraud in the US. The Nigerian beauty queen and her family relocated to the US in the mid-nineties as a certified Dream Builder and Law of Attraction coach. The couple is blessed with six children.

Her husband George was sentenced in connection with the lead role in a mortgage fraud ring which spanned five years and caused millions in losses. He along with his conspirators and co-defendants engaged in a massive property flipping scheme resulting to over $5.8 in actual losses to financial institutions. George was sentenced by the US District Attorney Timothy C. Batten to nine years imprisonment, to be followed by three years supervision upon release and ordered to pay a restitution of $5,868,243.80. He was found guilty of conspiracy to commit wire fraud.
Sandra on the other hand pleaded guilty and was given one year, six months in prison with three years of supervised release and ordered to pay a restitution of $1,051,970.77. All the conspirators and co-defendants were adequately sentenced according to the law.
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