Issues raised by the Anglophone blogger’s

The limitations here was around the language. Most of the information available and provided at the Blogger’s Summit was in French and with the exception of the very few representatives of the summit who could communicate in English and French, every one else spoke only French.
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The Anglophone blogger’s present at the summit made their thoughts known and voices heard by expressing their concern and dissatisfaction as far as the summit was concerned with respect to the language. A pressing question presented by Anglophone blogger’s was that how can Anglophone blogger’s be an integral part of the summit and/or association when everything is in French (spoken and written) and nothing is in English?

What about the blogger’s who did not understand French? What happens to them if they want to attend future summits and/or join the association? Let’s remember that Cameroon is considered to be a bilingual country with its official languages being English and French. So it’s not an abnormal request to ask that the summit be planned in such a way that communication and documentation be in both English and French. These were important questions that needed answers if they truly want future summit to include Anglophones as well.
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The president of the association explained why everything was in French. He said it was because the association was originally made up of only Francophone blogger’s before conceiving the idea of teaming up with Anglophone blogger’s to better the Cameroonian blogging environment and they look forward to providing information in the documents about the summit in English, which will allow for easier access by interested Anglophone blogger’s on any of the platforms.
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