Where has the month of January gone to? I can’t believe it is already January 31st and we are getting into February. I feel as if the year just started, I feel as if I have done so much in such a little time even though I still have tons of things to do. Oh well… goodbye January and Hello February. I’ll embrace it the same way I embraced January.
I have to say 2015 was another great year with some crazy ups and downs and boy was it crazy rollercoaster ride! It was another year of discovery and learning; the only difference was – this time there was implementing of things involved… Implementing things I set out to do strategically and unapologetically. Unapologetically because you don’t need to apologize for trying to be the best in what you do or do what is best for you. We should all strive for that.
2015 was about saying goodbye to the old version of THEHOTJEM.COM and introducing the new version of THEHOTJEM.COM. A more sophisticated, innovative and interactive version of something that has taken a life of its own. Obviously, this evolution would not have been possible without the strong support of our loyal readers and followers who have grown significantly over the last couple of years and who have had a voice and say in helping to determine what direction TheHotJem.com would take. So thank you all very much! You have spoken and we have listened.

I am proud and excited by how The HotJem has evolved so far and thank you to all of you who took part in surveys, sent private emails and messages with suggestion on how to better make this platform a better place to get your source of information. Who said maintaining a blog/website was easy?
But its a fun sort of challenge (if that makes any sense). We take pride in interacting with you on various platforms like The HotJem’s FaceBook page, Twitter page and our new Instagram page because we value you and acknowlegde you. So if you aren’t already connected with us on these platform, make sure to do so before you leave and click on the picture collage below to connect with me on my personal Instagram page:

Let’s recap on a few of 2015’s hits … starting with the TOP FIVE MOST VISITED POSTS ON THE SITE IN 2015:
#5) My Woman Crush Wednesday (WCW)!!: A post on black women with natural long hair versus those with permed hair and the how society classifies them based on hair texcture and length.
#4) A Little Bit of African Print: An outfit post (Although I didnt do many in 2015, it always seems to get a lot of views when I do an outfit post so I will bring them back full swing in 2016)!
#3) Why Don’t Cameroonians Ever Post Comments Directly on Blog Sites Instead of Facebook?: The title says it all so click on it and read
#2) The Name of Murdered Homeless Cameroonian Man Has been Revealed: A post on a Cameroonian homeless man who allegedly got murdered by the LAPD.
#1) Cameroonian Designer Kibonen Nfi Featured on Human’s of New York: This was by far the most visited post on TheHotjem.com in 2015. Since this was article was posted on the old website, the total “share” numbers were not captured (only the shares that took place on the current version on TheHotjem.com are recorded) but this post or the link to the post was shared over 900 times within 72 hours and as a result, it drew a lot of new followers to TheHotjem.com which is always awesome.
However, the BEST MOMENT of TheHotjem.com in 2015, was the launching of the brand new website layout with the addition of a few new categories for The HotJem which I am very proud as seen below:

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(c) copyright www.thehotjem.com
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