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Most if not all of us have at least once in our lives used the “it’s cold” excuse to gulp down a glass of liquor. Well, it’s true at some point that it makes your skin feel warm which is a relief but it’s exactly that warmth you feel on your skin that makes this practice dangerous. Confusing??? Ok I’ll explain. Under extreme temperature conditions, your body sends all the available warmth towards your vital organs and reduces blood circulation. What the liquor does is it reverses this process removing all the heat from your vitals to your skin by increasing blood circulation.

So your body is warm, then why is that a bad thing? The thing is if such temperature conditions persist for long enough and you keep drinking, your skin stays warm but your vitals suffer the cold, as a result you could end up with a kidney failure, heart failure or collapsed lungs. Well yeah, you could end up dead for just wanting to feel a little warm. So when next you feel that cold, just get a glass of hot chocolate and a blanket – you’d be safer with that. Remember we are not the experts. Make sure to consult with a Medical Doctor if the cold feeling persists.
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