PHOTO: Popular Beauty Influencer Nikita Dragon. Photo credit: Nikita’s Instagram page.
When we posted on The HotJem’s Instagram page this photo of popular beauty and Instagram influencer Nikita Dragon, people were not familiar with S/Him assumed S/He was a female and rightly so because just looking at S/Him, you would think it is a female. However, a video we shared on our Instagram page showed otherwise. It basically showed Nikita’s transformation from a him to a “her”. Nikita who is a beauty entrepreneur and has a very thriving cosmetic line became very popular mostly due to her transition from a man to a woman.
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Many think she looks better than most females. Although we beg to differ as S/he is usually covered in makeup and we don’t always get to see her natural makeup free face. There is no doubt that Nikita has been a huge inspiration to transgenders especially the younger generation of teenagers who have discovered that they born the “wrong” gender but who are scared to identify as another sex due to discrimination and hate crimes towards transgenders or people who plan on switching genders.

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