THJ: Do you believe there are bad bloggers as I have heard some artist refer to Cameroonian bloggers?
Tirajai: Yeah some of them fail to understand that everything takes time to grow and there are no short cuts to setting up that platform that will work for you and not the other way around.
THJ: I always ask artists to name one Cameroonian & one non-Cameroonian musician you’d love to collabo with & why?
Tirajai: In Cameroon, one of the artists I look forward to working with is Rennis and the reason is because I can’t stop thinking of Brenda Fassie who I grow up listening to when I listen to Rennis. Out of Cameroon I look forward to working with Akon and that’s because he inspired me so much to hold on to what God gave me. Also, working with Akon means achieving a goal I’ve been working on since 2009 to make a lot of people understand that there is so much power in dreaming.
THJ: Music can be a very profitable business if planned out diligently over time. Many artists do not seem to realize that they need to educate themselves even in music. What are you doing to better educate yourself in the music industry so that you can stay one step ahead of the game?
Tirajai: When I fell in love with the art as a kid it was not for the money. I’ve always wanted to study music to understand how and why they had to make songs sound the way they do. Along the line, I realized that to monetize my art, I had to be more concerned in creating something different. Been trying for so many years but it’s not easy to communicate the ideas I have in my head with a lot of producers and I end up boring them since I don’t play any instrument. So, write now I am in college learning how to read, write, compose, play and sing music though classical but it’s going to help me a lot to create something outstanding.
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