1. Maltreatment by Parent Label
Over the years, we have seen many artists quit their record labels and created their own record labels because they were maltreated in one way or the other. Most labels unscrupulously exploit artists and barely help the artists in anyway. Some labels subject these artists to very unfavorable conditions and when they can no longer adhere, they end up quitting.
Most artists do songs and they never end up being released. Some songs which deserved videos didn’t get the right response, just because the label decides to ignore and there is little or nothing an artist can do about it.They prefer to create their own labels to avoid exploitation if they can and maltreatment.

2. Lack of Freedom
Truth be told, being in chains is never funny. Being in chains could mean that an artist barely has freedom in a particular record label in which they are being signed to. Most often, labels take away an artists’ freedom by deciding what these artists have to do, and that could mean deciding to change the artists genre if they please, introducing them to something they are not good at or which they don’t feel comfortable doing. Unfortunately, the artist is forced to take the offer to start from somewhere.
You must have watched a rapper being converted to a singer or a dance hall singer being converted to an afrobeat singer and more. Just because it works for some doesn’t mean it will work for all. Most labels convert their artists to what they desire and an unwilling artist who is tired of being subjected to unhealthy rules will rather move on to where they can do their magic freely and that could be creating their own label.
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